Aura Scanning & Analysis

 Aura or The Prabhamandala as it is called in Sanskirt is the luminous colorful field of subtle energy radiating within and around the human body, extending out from three to seven feet. The colors of the aura change constantly according to the ebb and flow of one's state of consciousness, thoughts, moods and emotions. Higher, benevolent feelings create bright pastels; base, negative feelings are darker in color. Thus, auras can be seen and "read" by clairvoyants.
Basically our psychological and emotional activities are sent throughout the body as electrical impulses, radiating electromagnetic fields outside of the body. These fields can be measured by an electromagnetic imaging process called an RFI (Aura Imaging).
How Aura Scanning can benefit You ?

Aura scanning allows us to perceive the energy dynamics that influence the body - mind function. We are aware of the energies that we carry in memories of joy, sorrow, happiness, thoughts of loved ones and events that influence life. These energies though not related to any specific organ of the body, directly influence the physical functioning of the body, systems, organs.
Internal state of energy is reflected out into the aura and at the same time, the Mental/emotional, interactive energies enveloping the body percolate into the body influencing the function of every cell. 

Nature has made the Human body in a balanced form capable of adjusting to the changes of seasons, stresses, foods, events. But when these disturbances go beyond the tolerance and stamina of the body-mind, like what is happening in our daily lives in modern times, the body takes the toll and succumbs to illness, sickness and disease.
We do not fall sick in one day. The disturbances are seen in the Aura much before ailments strike with symptoms of disease. Past injuries remain as weakness and scars.
Aura scans can detect disturbances that have been known to be present in known cases of heart ailments, cancer, immunity disorders, depression etc. early and timely detection allows to treat the person for Prevention (better than disease treatment!)

What is a Resonant Field Imaging Session like?
RFI is an electromagnetic feedback and imaging process. This new technology gives detailed scientific information and objective interpretations for all Auras and bioenergy fields,and identifies the type and function of all bioenergies present in specific regions of the human body & brain.
We offer Full Human Body Aura Imaging with full color images and detailed interpretations of the Psychological Profile, Health Profile, and Brain Waves 

The session is conducted using a small hand-held device which measures frequencies emitted by the body. Readings are taken at specified positions within the auric field. The measured frequencies are then fed into a computer program, which converts the frequencies into specific colors. These colors are interpreted by the investigator and provide clues for profiling the client.
CALL NOW  to fix an appointment +91-9810056483